Thursday, August 23, 2012

Defining Love

In this day and age, because of television and movies, the world has gotten a rather twisted view of love.  Hollywood pictures it as steamy, slam 'em up against the wall, clothes ripping, heavy breathing madness.  That, folks, isn't LOVE!
This is how I see love...I see my grandpa Price finishing the lunch dishes, going to the freezer and taking out the ice cream, then filling up a styrofoam cup, packing it around tightly so it won't melt.  He takes that ice cream to his beloved wife of 66 years who is in a rest home because she has dementia.  He leans down and kisses her and smiles lovingly and says, "Here I am, honey.  I  have your ice cream!"  He doesn't cringe or show anger when she slaps him, he just gently coaxes her to eat the treat she loves so much.  He goes every day, without fail, and when people tell him it isn't necessary because she doesn't know him, he just says, "But I know her, and I love her!  She's my sweetheart!"
I see a tired mother with a cooling cloth in her hand bathing the fevered brow of her sweet little one.  She hasn't slept in over 24 hours, and she is looking haggard, but her eyes are fixed on that hot, suffering little face that is so dear to her.  Her husband tries to convince her to rest, but she can't...not until her baby is cooler and on the road to recovery.  Then, and only then, will she rest.
I see a husband coming through the door, looking around at a house that is in shambles, and he sees his wife struggling to get things picked up, in between checking her dinner preparations.  He walks up to her and puts his arms around her and says, "Hey, honey!  Missed you today!  I see it has been a tough day.  Let me finish up dinner and you go rest awhile!"  He gently leads her to a recliner and eases her down, tucks a cover around her, and heads into the fray of the dinner time mess.  Oh, he's tired, too, but he knows that the woman he loves and to whom he has pledged his life, has need of some spoiling from handling the every day trials of kids, household duties, and all the hundred other things she's been through.
I see a teen who would rather be out with friends, but has had to grow up too soon because her mom is gone and she must help with the younger kids while Dad works.  She hasn't had any new clothes in a long time because money is short, but she doesn't complain because she knows how much her dad is hurting...she is hurting, too.  When her dad comes in, she hugs him tightly and says, "Let me give you a back rub,'ll ease the tension."

The best example I see is not a pretty picture.  It is someone who has been so battered he barely looks like a man.  He has a crown of thorns on his head, and the blood streams from all his wounds.  Spittle runs down his face from being spat on.  His arms are outstretched and he is nailed on a rough cross.  Those all around are mocking Him, screaming words of anger and hate.  The man looks up and says, "Father, forgive them!  They know not what they do!"  All the sins and the weight of the world are on Him, but love keeps Him where He is...His unending, unconditional love...
Don't let the world confuse you about what love is.  Love is sacrifice, love puts up with the disppointments, and love isn't an is a choice.  We choose to love. 

Today...I choose to love!  Blessing to all !


  1. You made me cry...

  2. Very true. God has blessed me with you. Guess who. Good article.

  3. Another wonderful post Joy and I feel so blessed just knowing you. Thanks for all you and your hubby do.

  4. Dear Joy, this is a beautiful and uplifting posting. Thank you. Peace.

  5. Profound! Wonderful glimpses of love and especially of the greatest Love of all!
